Collaborating entities

Catholic University of Valencia

Born from the heart of the Valencian Church, the Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Martir” reveals itself as an incomparable center of creativity and irradiation of knowledge for the good of society. It is a result of the University work carried out for more than fifty years by the University School of Nursing “Our Lady of the Forsaken”, more than thirty by the Edetania Foundation and more than ten by the Faculty of Business Studies, this Catholic University seeks, at the same time, challenging quality of university life: the joint work between faith and reason; the strengthening of an authentic university community in a climate of academic friendship; and the purpose of creating and maintaining a uniquely personalized educational relationship with university students.


University of Navarra- School of Education and Psychology

The University of Navarra is a Christian-inspired institution that carries out its teaching, research and welfare activities on a not-for-profit basis.

The Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) was created in 1965. Its pioneers, who were also the driving force behind the studies of Education within Philosophy and Letters, are the pioneers of the Faculty of Education and Psychology.

The University began its activities in 1952, promoted by St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei. The purpose of this prelature of the Catholic Church is to promote the pursuit of the fullness of Christian life in work, family and ordinary occupations.


Abat Oliba CEU University

The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is a private, non-profit university, promoted by the San Pablo-CEU University Foundation, an initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP).

The mission of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is the integral formation of students based on excellence. This objective is achieved through teaching and research, with an ethical commitment based on Christian humanism, allowing students to learn about society and their full insertion into the labor market.

Francisco de Vitoria University

We are an international university both by origin and mission. Our philosophy is focused on the achievement of an integral formation for our students, and this objective encourages the work of our entire staff of teachers and collaborators. In accordance with this philosophy and based on our motto: “to overcome evil with good”, we not only want to train scientists and professionals efficiently, but also to educate people who can actively contribute to the construction of a better and more humane world.

Office hours

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Tirso de Molina 44

47010 Valladolid


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