program schedule


Friday, November 29, 2024

20:00h Reception

20:45h Dinner

22:00h Tour

Saturday, November 30, 2024

9:30 h Opening

Hon. Ms Lydia Jiménez, President of the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of Avila

Hon. Dr. Mª Carmen Madrid, Director of Fray Luis de León College of Education, Valladolid

10:00 h Openning presentation

From education to education there is a difference

Hon. Most Revd. Mr Luis Javier Argüello, Archbishop of Valladolid and president of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference

11:00 h Coffee-break

11:30 h Plenary Session

Teaching People: An Endless Process

Prof. Dr Francesc Torralba (Ramón Llull University, Barcelona)

13:00 h Holy Mass

14:00 h Lunch

16:00 h Round table – Educating generation Z .

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mª Consolación Isart Catholic University of Valencia

Hon. Prof. Dr Marcin Kazmierczak (Dean of the Faculty of Education (CEU Abat Oliba University, Barcelona)

Prof. Dr Miguel Ángel Barbero Barrios (CEU Abat Oliba University, Barcelona)

Prof. Dr. Ms Reyes Moliner (Catholic University of Valencia)

18:00 h Good practices

Moderator: Mrs Vicenta Rodríguez (Catholic Schools, Valencia)

A Teaching Innovation Project that Generates an Educational Community around the Convent of Our Lady of Grace in Ávila . Prof. Dr Ms Marisa Pro Velasco (Catholic University of Ávila)

The Program for Methodological Innovation of Teachers (PMIT). Prof. Dr Vicente Gomar (Catholic University of Valencia)

Teaching cooperation for the development of competencies in future teachers. Prof. Mrs Mª Magdalena Cortés Ferrer (Alberta Giménez Higher Education Center, Palma de Mallorca)

Socio-educational project of teaching innovation together with Cáritas Diocesana. An example of good practice. Prof. Dr. Ms Katya María Luisa Palafox Gómez (University of Navarra, Spain)

Teacher-Student Interpersonal Relationships. Hon. Prof. Dr. María Jesús Ayuso Manso (Director of the CEU San Pablo Teacher Training School, Vigo)

The Creation of an Environment: A Requirement of the Teacher Training Itinerary at Fray Luis de León College of Education. Prof. Dr Miriam Ramos Gómez (Fray Luis de León College of Education, Valladolid)


19:30 h Communications

20:45h Dinner

22:00h Cultural event

Sunday, December 1, 2024

8:00 h Holy Mass

10:00 h Plenary conference. In Praise of the Primary School Teacher

Prof. Dr. Ms Inger Enkvist (University of Lund, Sweden)


11:30 a.m. Round table – Training of trainers in the 21st century: the definition of a curriculum

Moderator: Prof. Ms Patricia Gutiérrez Moral (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)

Prof. Dr. Ms Milagros Muñoz (Complutense University of Madrid)

Prof. Dr. Mª Eugenia Gómez (Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

12:45 p.m. Communications

13:45 h Presentation Closing Remarks

Hon. Prof. Dr Mª del Rosario Sáez Yuguero, Rector of the Catholic University of Ávila

14:30 h Lunch

Office hours

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Tirso de Molina 44

47010 Valladolid


Contact email

Contact phone

983 35 40 90

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