
Fray Luis de León College of Education (Valladolid) and the Catholic University “Sta. Teresa de Jesús ” of Avila (UCAV) , in collaboration with the Catholic University of Valencia, the University of Navarra and Abat Oliba CEU University (Barcelona), invite all those interested in issues related to teaching and teacher training to participate in the International Conference of Catholic University Centres for the Teacher Training Rescuing Educationon November 30 and December 1, 2024 in Valladolid (Spain), in a double modality in person and via”streaming”. The Conference will be available in Spanish and in simultaneous translation into English. Rescuing education on November 30 and December 1, 2024 in Valladolid (Spain), in a double modality, face-to-face and via streaming. The congress will be available in Spanish and simultaneous translation into English.

Bearing in mind the Delors Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the 21st century, which underlined the unavoidable contribution of education to the development of peoples and the importance of knowing how to be, the question arises as to which education and which educators can meet these challenges.

In fact, every Pedagogy has as its foundation an Anthropology, since every educational act aims to form the subject according to an idea of what the human person is. At a time in history when the meaning of the human being and of truth is blurred, and when there is a risk of confusing innovation with education, the deep reflection on the human person, and on the pedagogical agents and theories involved in education, becomes a priority for teacher training centres. For this reason, such reflection will be an inexcusable path of the inquiry that the Conference intends to pursue. We believe that this, together with the attentive openness to the signs of the times and to the educational tradition that precedes us, and the deepening of the keys of the pedagogy of faith in the university environment, places us in the orbit of responding optimally as Catholic centres to the formation of teachers, professors and social educators that the society of our time needs.

Download cover letter: in English or Spanish



The Congress is organized around five thematic axes that seek to reflect the different dimensions of the educational challenge centered on the person:

    • Education and Anthropology
    • Theory of Education
    • Formation of Trainers
    • Pedagogy of Faith in the university
    • History of Catholic education

We invite all researchers and educators to attend the Congress and to submit a communication proposal along the lines of the thematic axes mentioned above.


The objective of the congress is to reflect on the key to education in order to establish the meaning of authentic university training for educators of our time.


Office hours

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Tirso de Molina 44

47010 Valladolid


Contact email

Contact phone

983 35 40 90

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