committees and secretariats
International Conference of Catholic teacher training university centres
Scientific Committee
Education and Anthropology
Prof. Dr. Mr Eduardo Ortiz Llueca (Catholic University of Valencia)
Prof. Dr. Ms Marcela Jiménez Urquijo (Catholic University of Ávila)
Prof. Dr. Ms Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid, Spain)
Prof. Dr. Ms Marisa Pro Velasco (Catholic University of Ávila)
History of Catholic education
Prof. Dr. Ms Begoña Lafuente Nafría, Excma. Mrs. Vice Rector of Teaching Staff and Quality (Catholic University of Ávila)
Prof. Dr. Ms Mª Teresa García Pinto (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Prof. Dr. Ms Paloma No Gutiérrez (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Theory of Education
Prof. Dr. Ms Mª Jesús Ayuso Manso (Director of the Centro Universitario de Magisterio CEU San Pablo, Vigo)
Prof. Dr. Ms Marta Peña Ramos (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Prof. Dr. Ms Teresa de Jesús González (Catholic University “Sta. Teresa de Jesús” of Avila)
Pedagogy of Faith in the university
Prof. Dr. Mr Álvaro Antón Sancho (Academic Secretary EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Prof. Dr. Mr. Rafael Ángel García Lozano (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Prof. Dr. Ms Catherine Declercq (Catholic University of Ávila)
Prof. Dr. D. Luis Carlos Hernández Herrero (Universidad Católica “Sta. Teresa de Jesús”)
Formation of Trainers
Hon. Prof. Dr. Mr. José Alfredo Peris Ex-Rector of the Catholic University of Valencia)
Prof. Dr. Mr Fernando Romera Galán (Catholic University of Ávila)
Prof. Dr. Ms Ana Isabel Muñoz Alcón (Universidad Católica “Sta. Teresa de Jesús” de Ávila)
Honor Committee
Excellency and Rev. D. Luis Javier Argüello García, Archbishop of Valladolid and President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.
Prof. Ms. Lydia Jiménez González, President of the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of Avila and of the Board of Trustees of EUM Fray Luis de León, and Vice President of the Spanish University Foundation.
Excmo. Mr. Prof. Dr. José Tomás Raga, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Hon. Prof. Dr. Ms María del Rosario Sáez de Yuguero, Rector of the Catholic University “Santa Teresa de Jesús” of Avila.
Excmo. Mr. Rector Magfco. Hon. Prof. Dr. Mr Higinio Marín, Rector of CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia
Excmo. Mr. Rector Magfco. Prof. Dr. D. Daniel Sada Castaño, Rector of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Hon. Prof. Dr. Mr. José Alfredo Peris (Ex-Rector of the Catholic University of Valencia)
Hon. Prof. Dr. Ms Ángela Serrano Sarmiento, Dean of the Faculty of Teaching and Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of Valencia.
Hon. Prof. Dr. Ms María del Carmen Madrid de la Fuente, Director of the Fray Luis de León College of Education, Valladolid.
Hon. Prof. Dr. Ms Carolina Ugarte Artal (Dean of the School of Education and Psychology at the University of Navarra)
Prof. Dr. Mr Conrad Vilanou, Professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona
Translation Committee
Prof. Dr. Mr. Charlie Jorge Fernández (University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca)
Technical Secretariat
Executive management and data processing: Prof. Dr. Ms Mª Consuelo García Cuesta (EUM Fray Luis de León, Valladolid)
Post-production and administrative secretariat: Ms Johanna Katherine Carbo Montes (EUM Fray Luis de León)
Post-production and administrative secretariat: Ms Elizabeth Cárdenas Urrego (EUM Fray Luis de León)
Office hours
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Tirso de Molina 44
47010 Valladolid
Contact email
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